Wednesday, August 09, 2006

low art / high art

I have spent so much time being delighted with myself for knowing tacky from tasteful, kitschy from edgy, and am lately just finding it all kind of pointless and a bit mean-spirited and superior.

Lo and behold, I ran across Jon Carroll's column today and it fit in perfectly with that theme. Just brilliant, that man.

Do I sense a trend back toward sincerity and enthusiasm? Let me be among the first!

This afternoon at work, a gaggle of folks noticed big flames and smoke coming from a nearby building and we heard lots of sirens and then helicopters too. Shortly after that, we got an email from our IT guy:

Subject line: Please stop watching the live feed of the fire

Body: Unless you are using the proxy server, please stop watching the video of the fire so we don't keep spiking the T1.

Just go to the QA room and watch it live it you really gotta watch it.

Thank you


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