Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Speaking of mojo pirates

OK, so my last post was about my buddy Carl in Napa and his story of how the computer stole his mojo. I have since been thinking a lot about that and feel like I can confidently state that the television has either already stolen my mojo or is trying to.
I had a little funny moment this morning when I was actually thinking that, boo hoo, someone who's had her mojo sucked out by the television was also thusly incapable of mustering up enough hutzpah to call Comcast and say "turn it off!" Sad, sad. Oh the limpness.

I think this must be where drugs are actually helpful. Drugs, in my case, being Peet's coffee, which I am now able to enjoy again in moderation after 6 months of quitting all coffee. I had a nice big mug of this wonder beverage and then actually did call and tomorrow at 8 pm, the television will be kaput. They don't even have a term for "undoing just the TV part but leaving on the Internet and phone" at Comcast because, I assume, they really don't want to think about that reality.

The thing that sent me over the edge (in addition to the coffee) was finding myself searching out places to go travel and get away from "it all." The prices were not what I wanted and I didn't want to spend time in a car or a plane to get to anywhere, not matter how lovely. And then I realized that I could create a perfect vacation replicant at my own home if I gave myself the breathing space to read a book and the permission to eat grilled cheese sandwiches. So that will save me several hundred dollars as well as that nagging 'rat race' feeling.

1 comment:

ferenge mama said...

OMG this is HUGE.

Really - awesome!

I was TV-less for over 5 years, and really loved it. Am toying with the idea myself. :-)

NetFlix is enough.

And I love the image of your own space being a sanctuary, complete with books and grilled cheese sandwiches.