Wednesday, December 06, 2006

when it rains, it pours

The latest guy FINALLY signed our counteroffer so my realtor Joe is sending me stuff some to sign today to put me into escrow. Wee hoo!!!!
There will be some repair work they want done before I move (and I have to be out by Dec 21, can you believe it?) but Joe will probably help me coordinate those repairs. He has been the best realtor I can imagine having. I wish I was rich and well-connected in Napa so I could send him tons of business.
Sadly, the Cove apartments I viewed got snagged and they currently don't have anything open (that I can afford.) Happily, things at my job are going really well, so I am tempted to get a place over in the east bay and just yesterday checked out the Grand Lake area of Oakland which is lovely, cosmopolitan, safer than other parts of the east bay, and quite affordable. So who knows?
Anyone want some furniture? Books? I am also offering a very glamorous and hip new exercise program (free of charge!) at my home, involving squats with boxes, lunges with mops, arm stretching with packing tape. Too much fun!

1 comment:

ferenge mama said...

Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!

I am so happy for you, and am very willing and mostly able to help you pack and move!!